Journey to Good


Yes! Business Cards Made Out of Cotton T-shirt Scraps

Fashion Journey, DIY JourneyAnne Worth1 Comment

When ordering business cards for the blog, we were happy to learn about a new alternative to business card paper. We found business cards made entirely out of 100% cotton scraps discarded by fashion companies.

The company is offering a new line aptly called “Cotton Business Cards” that are made from 100% cotton t-shirt scraps (a.ka. leftover fashion industry waste).

According to MOO’s website, “The world loves T-shirts. But the process of making them creates a lot of leftover fabric. So we decided to put those scraps to good use and make Cotton. Our first tree-free paper.”

We ordered these cards, and they look beautiful.

Since they are made from white t-shirt scraps (not used or recycled t-shirts) they are bright white and feel great to the touch.

Check out the photos below of our new cotton cards made by MOO.

Found: the Feel-Good Flat That's Comfortable, Ethical and Sustainable

Fashion JourneyColleen Reilley Bohmbach6 Comments

Rothy’s “The Point” flat is the most comfortable flat shoe I have ever worn, and I’ve worn a lot. But they not only feel good on my feet, they also make me feel good for supporting an environmentally-conscious product.

I recently needed a new pair of black flats, and as part of my journey to good, I only wanted to buy a pair I found to be ethical and sustainable.

In my search, I found Rothy’s, and I love them.

I believe Rothy’s are trending now, and for good reasons.

I recommend adding these incredible sustainable shoes to your wardrobe for the many reasons I list below.